Sersi has the standard abilities of Earth's Eternals, though she has focused the majority of her power into Transmutational abilities and passed it off as illusion or magic over the centuries.
Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Sersi can manipulate cosmic energy, projecting beams of force, heat, or light from her eyes and hands.
Strength: Sersi has superhuman strength which she can increase to unknown levels.
Flight: Sersi, like all Eternals, has mastered the art of flight.
Illusion Generation: Sersi is able to generate illusions that affect all five human senses.
Invulnerability: Sersi is resistant against cold, disease, electricity, energy, heat, radiation, and toxin attacks. She does not age, and can only be killed if her atoms are scattered.
Levitation: Sersi can levitate herself and up to seven others.
Matter Transmutation: Sersi is the only living Fifth Level adept at matter transmutation (on a 1-5 scale). She has the ability to alter molecular and atomic structures of all matter including living organisms. However, she has expressed difficulty in rearranging sub-atomic matter.
Mind Control: Sersi can control the minds of Eternals, Deviants, and humans.
Telekinesis: Sersi can telekinetically manipulate objects and generate a force field.
Telepathy: Sersi can communicate telepathically, though she can not mentally read the mind of any Deviant.
Teleportation: Sersi can teleport herself and others, but risks becoming paralyzed in pain at her destination.
Uni-Mind: Sersi, like all Eternals, can join the Uni-Mind.
She has also demonstrated a talent in martial arts, multiple languages, wrestling, dancing, and fashion design.